June Testimonial

Over the past 28 days i have been helping a client through our 28 Day Online Program.

28 Days ago this client reached out for my help, was sent the guidelines and actually started off with a free 7 day detox.

The client joined 14 others in deciding they were going to make a change to their lifestyle.

Now, im going to be honest, 28 days really is not that long in terms of changing a lifestyle however everyone wants quick results right?

Now i probably receive around 6-8 enquiries for Bootcamp and Personal Training each week and out of this maybe one sign up.

You see, people need to trust me, im a stranger after all.

That’s part of the reason i send emails 2-3 times a week with valuable content for everyone

When they are ready, they know where i am should they want my help

It also the reason we now offer a free 7 day online detox once a month

The problem with free is there is no accountability

There is no reason for that person to follow my instructions as they have nothing to lose, we dont meet face to face so who am i to tell them what to do.

However, everyone that contacts me has one thing in common


Now, back to my client

Sarah is a single Mum who is a Nurse who works very long shift including night shifts each week

Sarah decided she would give the 7 days her bets shot, she lent on the group of ladies for support online, asked for help, asked for recipes to fit in with her lifestyle and we provided the coaching each day to help her stay on track.

Was it plain sailing?


Did she have to put some work in


Sarah got herself prepared and didnt let anything get in her way

She even cried over some lettuce (but thats a whole different story!)

The 7 days increased her energy levels and made her feel so amazing she decided to stay with us online for the whole 28 days.

Sarah ate Carbs, she exercised maybe 3-4 times across the 28 day period so the majority of her changes were all through clean eating nutrition guidelines around a very busy job.

Sarah was preparing her food when she could and managed to work the program into her hectic lifestyle.

The results?

Well i can honestly say in the 5 years i have been doing this, they are some of the best we have ever had on the program!

Take a look yourself (below)

Oh and then Sarah sent me this very emotional testimonial to go with the photos

I had a lump in my throat when i read this and it really allowed me to sit back and realise the power my job has to change people’s lives.

Im assuming the investment was worth it!?

Pics below and testimonial underneath

Sarah Duffin Back Collage

Sarah Duffin Front Collage

Sarah Duffin Side Collage


The biggest change I have noticed is finding my confidence and happiness again. When I joined I was in a very unhappy almost depressed place – too much information, but I had 6 months before thrown my abusive husband out of the house. But he was somehow still controlling me and I wanted that control back. I lived on a diet of caffeine and crap or no food at all because I didn’t have enough hours in the day to do everything as a single parent who works full time in a really stressful job, well that was my excuse. You gave me the confidence to realise that I could do this. You have a no-nonsense approach which makes you take a deep breath and say I can do this (if you remember I cried over lettuce!!!) kind of like the good angel on your shoulder who shuts the bad one up (the one that’s saying don’t bother prepping food, just get a plate of chips at work tomorrow!!) I didn’t think I could give up coffee and chocolate and to be honest I still love my morning coffee, but that’s pretty much the only one I still have. I’ve remembered how much I love cooking tasty food…. And it is so much tastier than ready meals or stuff that came out of a jar.

Plus your cheaper than the psychologist.