I have been struggling….

I have been thinking about writing this post for a while and have put it off

Why have i put it off?

Well because i feel slightly silly saying it if im honest

I have 37 Bootcamp clients, 3 Online clients, 2 Children under 6 years old and my wife works 2 days a week and also one in 4 weekends.

Over the last 12 months i have been focussing so much attention on building my business i have forgotten to actually focus sometime on myself.

So im going to say it

I have been struggling!

Over the past 3 months business has been crazy which of course has been fantastic but of course this has an impact on things.

Im more tired, im more stressed, i have become lazier with my own nutrition and also my exercise
I have also been bad company to be around at home as i literally work all of the time unless i have my kids.

Why am i telling you this?

Well, i suppose to prove im human and also for accountability.

One of the biggest pressures i have on myself is my job and being labelled a Personal Trainer.

You see, everyone thinks we are naturally fit and dont need to work at this like they do.

How wrong that actually is.

If anything i actually find my training slightly lonely and have to train at awkward times due to supplying training to my clients at the more popular times.

Over the last few months i have put so much pressure on my self because i knew my fitness and health were slipping that i have actually made it worse for myself.

So 2 weeks ago i made the decision to do something about it.

To stop feeling this way
To stop moaning
To feel better about myself

and i put myself in my clients shoes and did exactly what they do


Yep, thats right, i invested money in a nutrition coach, not because i dont know what to do when it comes to nutrition but to be accountable to someone for my own results.
I submit weekly results and it also gives me a chance to speak to someone weekly.

I have also accepted that my business is very busy and that i finally need some help.
The problem with help is it costs money and every business owner will tell you, its hard getting someone in and paying them to do something that technically you have the time to do but always feel too shattered.

For a long time i have been telling myself, this is just how it is by owning a busines


I have now invested in a business mentor
Someone who has been where i am in my line of work, again that i can speak to and who can also help me make some strict targets for my business and also help with any problems.

The first thing, get some help on jobs i find it hard to do.

Over the course of the next 3-4 weeks i will be bringing in 2-3 people to help me with things which will lift a huge burden from me and actually allow me to focus on the things i enjoy doing and in return reduce my stress and get more done.

Im 2 weeks into this process and while im investing a lot of money i cannot tell you how much better i feel already.

I very rarely make anything i do about me however i have come to realise i am actually a very important part of what i do and i need to be happy.

The reason im sharing this is simple

Do you feel the same way with your health and fitness?
Do you never feel like you commit the time you need?
Do you always put others first?
Are you unhappy?

You need to really sit down and ask yourself these questions and then you need to do one thing

You need to come up with answers on how you can improve these things!

The longer you leave it, the harder it gets

Everyone struggles

but it doesnt have to be that way

There are people that can help you

Money is money and a good investment is well worth it

After all, your time is worth way more than money

Once time has gone, you wont get it back

Anyone that has ever worked with me will tell you i put 100% in with my clients, isnt it strange i dont so the same with myself and my family?