Bootcamp scares me!

Does the word Bootcamp scare you?

I had a very interesting conversation with somebody yesterday and it really opened my eyes up

The person in question said they had followed my content on email and facebook for around 5 months and finally decided to contact me.

When i asked her why now, why 5 months after initially thinking she needed ot make changes to her lifestyle

She said

Quite Frankly the name Bootcamp made me scared!

It did make me smile however it also made me sit back and actually think about this

Its something i chatted to my wife about last night

Now Bootcamp is only one product we actually offer

We also offer

Personal Training
Online Nutrition Coaching – 1-2-1
a 28 Day Online Program – In a group

However Bootcamp is predominantly in our name

For a while now i have been thinking of changing the name to Live Young Health and Fitness or just Live Young to stop any confusion

However, i keep talking myself out of it

Now Bootcamp is most commonly associated with Military style training

A lot of shouting
A lot of rolling round in muck and generally being made to feel sick

Im finding a huge part of my consultations is actually trying to get this idea out of peoples minds!

The main problem

The media

The programs you see on TV

or is it the name in general?


What do you associate it with?

I would love to know, it would really help me moving forwards.

Bootcamp to me separates itself from a regular gym class, a regular zumba class, its more than that!

I have kept the name really because i want people to know that when they contact us, we expect them work

No shouting
No screaming at you
No making you feel small


A supportive environment full of ladies chasing the same goals
A relaxed atmosphere where we have a laugh and joke
An environment you want to be part of regularly
An environment you can make new friends
An environment that will teach you how to exercise effectively for your goals
An environment that will help you ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS

Not only that

We will work with you away from sessions on the following

Nutrition – we help you implement cleaner eating guidelines at a pace that suits you
We help you implement exercise and nutrition away from sessions to help you achieve your goals
We keep you accountable to your goals by asking you to supply measurements weekly
All measurements are taken by you in the comfort of your own home
We educate you on making smarter choices when it comes to food
We support you along with all of our other clients in a private and secure online support group
We provide a cookbook and recipes to help you keep things interesting with your food
We supply guidelines that work and have worked for ladies just like you!

We aim to provide a Personal Training service in a group training environment

Unlike PAYG classes and Gyms out there, we provide results and keep you accountable to these results

Now how different is that to the programs you see on TV?

Has that changed your view on Bootcamp?

Let me know your thoughts by emailing me at