Michelle’s Journey

I have been training with Live Young Fitness and Nutrition for nearly 3 years now! When I first joined I was overweight, unfit and not very happy with myself and my life.
Initially I lost a chunk of weight and got a lot fitter, I found the nutrition advice easy to follow and to adapt to fit in with my family and lifestyle.
Over the years I have returned to work part-time and had several different job roles with different hours, I have been able to adapt my training sessions with Ross to fit with my working hours, I now train at 6.15am three days a week, but have trained at 9.30am, 7pm and Saturday mornings as needed.
I used to get out of breath pushing a buggy on the school run, I am now full of energy, have ran several 10km races in the past few years and most importantly, enjoy exercise!
I was the most unfit child in PE lessons, trailing behind at cross country and lacking coordination in everything I did.
I’m not perfect by any means, but enjoy having a giggle at bootcamp sessions when I mess up the exercises and do the wrong thing (after all it is 6.15am!).
For me, the biggest change is my attitude to life, I am no longer the grumpy, shouty mummy that I know I used to be. I think I am now a much nicer person to be around, laughing at mistakes, finding solutions to problems and having a go at most things, however challenging they may be.
Currently family life is manic, racing round after children, dealing with domestic building projects and working part-time, however I feel fully in control and able to cope with things as they happen. At short notice, I can throw together a quick packed lunch and snacks to last the day to give me plenty of energy. I can easily find healthy choices at most restaurants that my family choose to eat at.
Last year, I had several months with only a temporary kitchen whilst we had building work – I filled the freezer with healthy batch-cooked meals and worked out easy meal solutions so I could still follow my nutrition plan and avoid weeks on end of takeaways.
I am happy that I can eat unhealthy treats very occasionally, but more often than not, I don’t want to as there are plenty of “treats” that I can have and I enjoy a huge variety of home cooked foods that fit in with my lifestyle and give me plenty of energy.
I choose to continue to attend bootcamp sessions as it feels amazing to exercise early in the morning and then face the day knowing you have already worked out. In the past I have had gym memberships but have not achieved anything like the results I have maintained with Life Young Fitness and Nutrition, the motivation provided by group sessions and the personal advice received from Ross make a huge difference.