LYB – We are not a quick fix

I have now been in Business 5 years and my experience is growing by the day.

Its funny how i use to tell people i was part of the fitness industry because i trained people.

Now i don’t see myself as part of the fitness industry at all and prefer to refer to myself as a coach not a trainer.


Yes i still train people, of course i do, however, the coaching that happens away form sessions is where the magic happens.

You see, it does not matter how many times a week you come and train with us, if your diet and lifestyle choices away from sessions are poor, your results will be poor.

As the saying goes

“Abs are made in the kitchen”

This is of course in reference to dropping body fat. The majority of the work is in your diet.

It still amazes me that people think high level results can be achieved in 7 days, 2 weeks, 4 weeks with putting very limited effort in.

It also amazes me how quickly people give up on things


Just this last week somebody who has been training with me for 14 days said

“i will give it another week  otherwise i give up”

Now lets be honest, this attitude will get you nowhere!

Did you start your first ever job and 7 days in have enough money to put a deposit down on a mortgage?


It takes time to save


Just like your fitness level takes time to improve, your bodyfat takes time to reduce, your mindset takes time to change, your habits take time to improve

Going back to my initial statement of not being part of the fitness industry


I no longer see myself as part of it

Its a horrible industry

Every picture you see in gyms will be someone toned and even with a six pack.

Trainers walk round in tight tops, looking in the mirror all the time instead of focusing on their clients.

I actually spent my first day in the gym lifting weights yesterday for a while and after 30 minutes could not stand to be in there any longer

I don’t like the message the fitness industry portrays

Its all supplements, lycra, six packs and ego’s

It is everything LYB is NOT!

The reason i set LYB up was because i hated this environment, i wanted to give Ladies a place to come and train where they feel part of a group, where they get the support they need away from sessions.

Education is a huge part of the process and this is where coaching comes in.

A plan of action and goals are all important factors in the journey.

Not just turning upto an environment you hate and plodding on the cross trainer for 30 minutes each day!

With the amount of marketing out there on so called quick fixes, its hard to educate people quick enough to see that the long game wins.

However, this is where i see my job now.

I see myself as someone that can educate others through the pressures i used to put on myself to lose weight.

I look back now and realise how much money i wasted on so called fat burning products, shake diets, fad diet clubs and so on all whilst eating junk in the evenings and consuming high mounts of alcohol.

It was only when i found a bootcamp myself and received the correct coaching on long term changes that i actually found weight loss easier and more sustainable.

You need to be prepared to make lifestyle changes or results will not last

You cant crash diet for 3-4 weeks and expect life changing results

Unhealthy Habits need to be replaced by healthier habits

Your negative mindset needs to be replaced with a positive one

Your exercise that you are not enjoying needs to change

Your environment needs to change to a supportive one

How long does all of this take to change


Its certainly not days or a few weeks

We have clients that have been with us for 2 years, how do you think their lives have changed?

There are some results to show you at the bottom of the page

However, we have also had clients stay with us just 4 weeks, how do you think there lives have changed?

Probably not that much


You see there is a big difference in the way we consult clients before they come into our program

We have a free phone consultation to make sure your goals align with our coaching

Lets face it, if they dont, you are just going to get frustrated

My coaching skills are Female Weight Loss and Toning and all about provided women with body confidence they have bee craving for years

That wont help someone who is already fit and tones who already trains 3-4 times a week in a gym just looking for a change


People looking for quick fixes will not enjoy our process and generally will not hang around for long and get very frustrated

This frustration lies within

Who is telling you, you can lose a stone on 4 weeks?

Who is telling you you are going to achieve the fitness level you want within 4 weeks?

Once you can answer those questions i would say there lies your answer

For most people its themselves


Do our clients see results over a short period?


But only if the plan works into their lifestyle quickly

Do our clients see results over a longer period of time 3-6 months an beyond


Once again there are many factors in this but its a much better timeframe to work with someone and all comes down to following the guidelines, being held accountable and creating better habits.

Here are some 6-12 month results our clients have achieved

Client 2 client1 Client3 Client4 Client5


Long lasting body transformations take time

When you sign up to a new program just remember you have a history that the program will not be able to fix short term.

If your history involves shake diets, quick fixes, yo yo dieting, low calorie diets or starvation there will ahve been some metabolic damage along the way.

The slower your metabolism the more you are likely to store body fat (i will do a separate post on this)

You have to be prepared to stick at something for a minimum 12-24 weeks (3-6 months) and work with the coach to build new habits that create an overall lifestyle change

Until you are prepared to do this, you will probably keep achieving the results you are achieving now.


If you would like a non salesy free consultation to talk about your current situation or whether we can help you moving forward, please feel free to email me at


Take care

