I’m always last!

Hey, i hope you are well?


I want to ask you a question.

How much time do you spend each day/week on your own happiness?

What i mean is

In life, do you put yourself first, second, last?

Something i noticed during the first 2-3 months of this year was how little i was doing for myself.

I have 2 gorgeous children, a wife, a cat, a house with a mortgage, 2 cars and a very busy business

Now this is not a brag, it is a truthful look at my life from the outside.

My children will always come first, that’s why we had them at the end of the day and i do so much to support them and give them everything they need.

The mortgage has to be paid or we would be homeless (or in debt at least)

The cars need to be maintained for my job and school runs etc

The cat, well, he is looked after very well

My wife, well, i think she feels like me as we dedicate so much time to our kids which can be tough and leaves you shattered!

My business, once again, i look after clients on a day to day basis in terms of planning sessions, writing nutrition plans, writing content and everything else that goes along with being self employed

However something happened to me in February this year that made me step back and look at how much i was actually doing for myself

I had become very unhappy inside, i was fighting a battle everyday just to keep my head above water.

I became very shouty with my kids and was telling my wife all the time that i didn’t have time to do anything and i had also ignored my own diet and exercise

I had put on weight (being an overweight PT brings so much pressure) and had avoided social occasions on more than one occasion as i couldn’t face the comments.

I had to change!

What had become evident was how little i was actually doing for myself and the worst bit of all was realising that i was in control of these decisions.

I had forgotten about me.

I actually went to my GP and had a very tough chat about not feeling myself, feeling a bit down, unhappy and not knowing what to do

I was put in touch with a councillor who helped me step back over a 10 week period and see exactly what was going on.


I was putting everything in my life first and myself last

Now, it can be deemed quite selfish to put yourself before everything else in your life and seeing things in this way led me to putting myself last

However, its not about dumping everything and just focussing on yourself


Work to live, don’t live to work

The reality of my life was

Only 2 weeks holiday in the last 4 years
Floating in and out of the gym
Weight fluctuating
No me time doing anything i actually enjoyed
Making sure my clients were happy at all costs
Making sure my wife and children had everything they needed

One big question my counselor asked was

“What does Ross like doing, what makes Ross smile”

My Answer?

I don’t know!

How sad is that and its something that really got me down.

Fast forward 12 weeks and i’m a changed man

Is everything fixed, Hell no!

But im working on it

I find being self employed hard

My work hours are generally everyone else’s social hours due to my job
I have time during the day that i end up wasting as most people are working
Social media has drained a lot of my life away without me realising
I have found myself comparing my life to others highlight reels on facebook

Asking for help is the best thing i ever did

So how have things changed?

I now plan my weeks out in a diary. Day by day my time is allocated between work and time off.

I have strict working hours and strict social hours

I book clients sessions in and i also book time to myself in

I now read more and relax more and don’t feel guilty taking time off

I am training 3-4 times a week in the gym and have invested in a PT and a nutrition coach to help keep myself accountable to being in shape (something that had slipped this year)

I stop and think more rather than just floating through the week

Im appreciative of the amount of time i have to do things each day/week

I continue to work more on myself as well as my clients

I am getting out more with the family and enjoying quality time with them

I am on social media a lot less and rarely check my newsfeed to see the fake lives that people are posting about.

Because of the above i compare my life less to others and concentrate on the things i enjoy and my family enjoy.

I am more in touch with myself and my happiness and now believe that quality time is worth way more than any amount of money.

I am helping my clients more and my business is growing naturally due to me being happier

I am enjoying life again

Im grateful for what i have, there is someone out there that would love to have what i have


We specialise in transformation programs that help you focus on yourself, your eating habits, your exercise and your all round confidence.

Can you resonate with this blog?
Are you unhappy deep down inside with regards to your health and fitness?

Do you accept you need to change or are you going to keep floating through life unhappy?



Here is a physical picture of my changes over the last 8 weeks. Whilst these show a difference in body composition it does not show the positive change in my mindset and that’s the most important change i have made.

Me 8 weeks